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Girrrr insomnia!

Anyone else out there had problems sleeping after having to change from practically living together to a long distance relationship? If i had been dumped it'd be easier because I'm good at sleeping through pain, but this is crazy. this last week I've have MAYBE 16 hours of sleep, maybe. and it's driving me nuts. I'm one of those people that sleeps and sleeps alot. I helps when my body fails the normal test like it is now but seriously i miss my sleep! I need scent, touch, tone, and little sound adjustments all night to sleep well. We both make little... clicking? sounds while we are sleeping or going to sleep and I miss his. hell i didn't notice we where doing it until i made my good night sounds and got no reply and wanted to cry. Not to mention we are a 'cuddly' couple we sleep swished together. It's driving me nuts! I sleep on average about 12 hours a day, I'm a cat what can i say? now i'm getting about 1 maybe 2. my bed is great and so warrrrmmmmm :3 and i should sleep great but i can't sleep at all! Little help here brothers and sisters??? this is messing up my lifestyle, how the 'ell am i supposed support all these people and go to classes brain dead?